All the information you need to calculate the market value of a piece of land | By ResaleAdvisor


All the information you need to calculate the market value of a piece of land | By ResaleAdvisor

Are you curious about the market value of a real estate property? Do not worry, we will explain how to calculate the value of a piece of land. 

To accurately assess the value of a property, one must possess a deep understanding of the real estate market. Many elements, such as the property's location, size, shape, level, and legal proceedings, must be taken into consideration when determining its market value. For more information visit

What is the most effective way to determine the market value of land?

The Buildup method is a popular approach for calculating the market value of land. This method involves beginning with the interest rate and then adding elements such as the cost of improvements, land costs, taxes, and other expenses related to the land.

1. The liquidity premium associated with real estate is the difference between the value of a liquid asset and a real estate asset with identical qualities, but much lower liquidity.

2. Recapture premium: This premium will assist in calculating the total amount of net land appreciation by providing a financial advantage.

3.  Risk premium: What is meant by risk premium is an analysis of the level of risk associated with investing in the real estate industry.

Using the Build-up Method to calculate the market value of land is a relatively straightforward process. However, the challenge lies in obtaining accurate estimates for the individual elements of the capitalization rate, which can be difficult. The main advantage of this method is that it breaks down the individual components of the rate and takes into account the discount rate.For more information visit

What are other ways to determine the value of a piece of land?

The Sales Comparison Method is another way of obtaining a precise estimation of a real estate property's worth. This is also known as the fair market value method and it involves taking into account the worth of neighboring properties. To accurately deduce the value of the property, the square footage must be measured.

Pay special attention to the location of the property when calculating its correct value before selling it. If the property is located close to a bus stop, metro station, or park, consider adding a premium to the price.

If you are selling a furnished real estate property, you can depreciate the price and add a lump sum to the total worth of the property. Additionally, if your property has been built according to Vastu and Shastra, you can add it as a bonus amenity to increase the value of the property.

Aside from the two aforementioned methods of assessing the true value of a property, there are several other approaches that can be used to determine the precise price of land. These include Land and Building Valuation and the Rental Method of Valuation.

These methods are the most effective ways to accurately determine the value of a real estate property. The cost approach, development approach, and depreciation approach are the three main methods of valuation used to determine the worth of a property.

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What information is needed to determine the market value of land?

Before determining the true value of a piece of land, it is necessary to have all the pertinent information regarding the real estate property prepared. This includes the following details.

  • To identify a place, one needs to know the district,

  • Taluka: A subdivision of districts is referred to as Talukas or Tehsils,

  • Name of the division/village, 

  • Type of property (residential or commercial), 

  • And the corresponding C.S. (Cadastral Survey Number), C.T.S. (Chain and Triangular Survey Number), F.P. (Final Plot Number), S.N (Survey Number), and G.A.T Number (Area Number).


When looking to purchase a property, it is important to be aware of its correct market value to ensure you are not being taken advantage of. Likewise, when selling a property, having an understanding of the current market value will ensure you are getting a fair return for your investment.

It is essential to have a thorough understanding of a property before attempting to determine its value. Knowledge is key in order to place an accurate price on a real estate property.

Determining the correct price of a property is essential for a successful sale. To ensure you are getting the best value, it is important to understand the various methods for calculating the market value of a property and choose the one that best suits your requirements.For more information visit


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